
0 Copyright © 2018 Falcon Trading Guidance Key Principle: You can’t hit a target that doesn’t exist. I cannot emphasiz

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Key Principle: You can’t hit a target that doesn’t exist. I cannot emphasize enough how important goal setting is in your overall success in life. If you don’t know where you are headed, how do you expect to get there? The above quote summarizes what the 90 Day Plan is all about. Defining in detail who you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have in your life. Far too many people are constantly focusing on lack. When was the last time you thought about where you are headed? Working hard is a vital component of achieving all that you desire, but how do you expect to achieve all that you desire if you don’t know what you desire to begin with! Working hard is only effective if you are doing so in the direction of your goals. The only way to create a future reality is to pair thought with action. Quote: “You become or get what you think about most of the time.” Earl Nightingale The whole concept of the 90 Day Plan in Falcon is to get you thinking about what you want, to pair focused thought with action, and to bring you closer to your goals than you ever previously thought possible. That in and of itself is a key concept… “that you ever previously thought possible.” How certain are you that you can achieve the things that you want to achieve? The level of belief you have about your success not only in trading, but in life in general directly effects the outcome of whether that success will enter your life. So, the key concept and question that you can ask yourself here is, “What is my belief on a scale of 1-10 that I can get it?”.

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Goal setting can be summarized into three main components: 1.) Who do I want to be? (Thoughts/Feelings) 2.) What do I want to do? (Actions/Experiences) 3.) What do I want to have? (Material Possessions) The phrase “money can’t buy happiness” is taken out of context and often over analyzed. Money buys freedom, money buys what you want, what you want effects how you think and feel, and how you think and feel determines how you effect the people around you daily. In order to create a future possibility, you need to be extremely clear on all 3 of these categories, and if you are reading this and are not clear on these 3 categories, it may very well be the thing that is holding you back from success. Before we get into more detail on how to set your Be, Do, and Haves and organize them into your 90 Day Plan, it’s important we touch on a few important points.

If you are not excited about where you are headed, you will not get there. When you think about who you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have in life it must make you feel exhilarated. You should always have in the back of your mind your long-term vision and goals. Your be, do and have for life should always be mapped out. Your overall mission could simply be to feel happy and fulfilled every single day, and every other goal can fall under that umbrella. Example: 1.) Trading will create the financial freedom for me to feel good.

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2.) Regular exercise will keep me in shape and confident and I will feel good. 3.) Starting a business will allow me to help people on a massive scale, and in turn I will feel good. Key Principle: Your goals should always excite you and make you feel good when you think about achieving them. This idea of feeling good when you are setting your goals comes down to the belief you have about your capability of achieving them. You may be so far away from achieving the specific goals that you have laid out that you are unmotivated and are instantaneously focusing on the lack of being where you want to be. This is where people often go wrong with their goal setting and why people “lose momentum” or “lose motivation” to achieve them. The only reason you will ever be held back and not achieve the things you set out to are if you don’t believe that you can, and if you give up. When you first signed up for Falcon you may have only thought you were entering a trading community, but the reality is that in order for me to effectively turn you all into consistent Forex traders you all need to know how to goal set and every one of you needs to know exactly where you are headed, and most importantly have the belief in yourself to get there. The challenges are opportunity. The hard times are points in time where you can decide what you don’t want and effectively define what you do want. The most important thing and the thing I can’t begin to stress enough is that you need to decide for yourself that you are going to achieve the things you set out to with 100% certainty. Belief in yourself initiates the process of creation and you can begin to really start achieving the success you are aiming for in trading and in the rest of your life.

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Quote: “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and bring itself to believe, It can achieve.” Napoleon Hill

As previously mentioned, you must be constantly excited about where you are headed and in order to do that your long-term goals must be broken up into more attainable increments that you can be excited about. Most people when they first get into goal setting are very excited because it’s a new process and they are finally defining who they are and where they want to be. This excitement lasts for quite some time, but when the going gets tough they realize how far away they are from achieving these goals in their own mind. That’s not to say that they are that far away from achieving them, but the only thing that truly matters is your perception and belief of whether you can attain them. If your goal is to purchase a $15,000,000 yacht and you’re working a 9-5 making $20 an hour, how do you think you are going to feel? Where is your belief going to be at in that moment in time? You are almost certainly going to be feeling demotivated and like you are moving anywhere because you can’t even comprehend purchasing that yacht. There are a multitude of smaller goals that need to be achieved before your belief can get anywhere near where it needs to be for you to achieve that goal. Therefore the 90 Day Plan exists and why it is so important for you to always be working towards where you want to be, in bite sized chunks that make you feel good. Setting goals in 90 Day increments (regardless of whether you start at the beginning of the year and work quarterly) allows you to increase your belief that you can do achieve your goals. Following the same example of achieving the yacht goal (and not everyone has goals of achieving material possessions, it’s all about what makes you feel good), isn’t quitting your job a much more exciting goal to aim

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for while you are making $20 per hour? The goal of quitting your job can be a yearly “Do” aim of yours, while a Q1 goal might be to start a side business, and a Q2 goal might be to go part time, Q3 to send in your resignation… I think you get the idea. 90-day increments allow you to break down your goals into bite sized chunks so that you are constantly feeling good and in line with where we you headed.

Has any successful person ever told you that the journey was going to be easy? That you will achieve all that you desire with the press of a button? Most definitely not. No one said it would be easy, so the next time you face a challenge, or a road block ask yourself this question, “What is the alternative?”. What is it? Working a job that you are unfulfilled at? Not being able to provide for your family because your current circumstance isn’t providing you with the income that you need to do so? You are a member of this community for a reason, because at some point in time you were so clear on what you didn’t want that you decided to invest in yourself and finally define what you do want. So next time there is a road block or a challenge in your pathway, be excited at the opportunity to overcome it and move yourself further in the direction of where you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have. Life is no walk in the park, and neither is trading, but with the right strategy and structure in your approach to goal setting it can become a whole lot simpler than you every previously could have imagined.

You’ve heard this phrase before. This is a phrase that we swear by, as we want the process for each one of you to be simple through and through. To provide you with every resource that we possibly can to get you aligned with who you are as an individual and to instill the belief in yourself that you can achieve everything that you set out to. The 90 Day Plan is a very simple method, and it works. It has been 5 Copyright © 2018 Falcon Trading Guidance

tested time and time again and are what I have found to be the most effective approach to setting your goals, acting, and achieving them.

It is about your internal belief, which leads to the excitement towards what you want to achieve, which leads to internal motivation and productivity, which creates momentum and brings you closer to where you want to be. It is not about achieving your goal by a certain deadline as one might think when they first hear of the 90 Day Plan. It is called the 90 Day Plan not the 90 Day Deadline. It is a momentum plan dedicated to keeping you in line and excited towards progression, because there is nothing worse than feeling demotivated and stagnant in your current situation.

If there is one thing you can focus on from this moment on, feel good and feel better. It’s about consistently elevated your level of excitement and happiness in your life. You can be in the most devastating situation you have ever experienced but you can always feel better. If you are excited about achieving the things you set out to achieve in your 90 Day Plan, then you are most definitely on the right track and you are set up to be the most productive and motivated you’ve been in your entire life.

You can start right here, right now. Regardless of whether you are starting your 90 Day Plan on the 1st of January and implementing them quarterly through to next year, is irrelevant. As a community we enjoy having everyone on a similar wavelength so that we can move towards success together, however if you are 6 Copyright © 2018 Falcon Trading Guidance

reading this on January 28th and you feel left behind, don’t. Start today because the best thing you can do for yourself is to start implementing a productive routine today.

As mentioned before, looking to far ahead at what you want to achieve can be counter intuitive to your success because you are instantly focused on the lack of achieving those things. The key is to have your long-term goals in the back of your mind but to break it down into 90-day increments that align with the overall picture. Today you will map out your 1st and 2nd 90 Day Plans and then nearing the end of your 2nd plan you will then outline your 3rd and 4th plans based on where you are at in that moment. So, on and so forth, you will move through life with excitement and efficiency and begin moving closer than you ever thought possible towards your long-term vision.

The first thing to do is to set 10 Things you want to Be, Do, and Have in your lifetime. Right away I will mention that this may prove as extremely difficult for you, but the reason for that is quite simple. Have you ever thought about why you are here on this planet and what your aim is in life? Most people go their entire life’s without introducing these extremely important questions. Answering them in detail will bring more happiness and success into your life than you ever knew existed. These are 10 Be, Do, and Haves that are long term life goals. They can be as far as your imagination can think. Some examples of who you want to be could be:

1.) Remembered long after my passing as a person of great service to others.

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2.) To achieve financial freedom and to provide for my family on a huge scale. 3.) Personally, be the catalyst for 1,000,000 people to change their lives for the better.

Keep adding to this list until you reach 10 massive “Be” goals that you want to achieve in your lifetime. The key here is to not focus on how you are going to achieve these things. Let your imagination run wild and if you could achieve anything you ever wanted to in life (which you can but you might not believe it yet) then let the ideas flow and right them here.

Continue with your list of 10 things you want to do and the things you want to have in your life. If you are struggling to think of goals to place into any of the three categories, good. This process isn’t supposed to be easy, it’s supposed to get you really thinking about who you are and why you want the things that you want. Everyone has different goals in life, however it is a common thread for all of us to feel good in everything that we do and accomplish. This can take hours, this can take days, this can take months, this can even take years to dial in and refine. This is an ongoing process, and by thinking about what you want more often you’ll begin to become very clear on who you are becoming.

The next thing to do is to implement your quarterly momentum plans. You will set your Q1 and Q2 Be, Do, and Haves in line with your grand vision and have these as your focus for the next 180 days. When you have all of this dialled in up to this point, and you really think about achieving these things without worrying about how you are going to do it, you should be feeling good. 8 Copyright © 2018 Falcon Trading Guidance

This whole PDF document is the structure and mindset behind setting your plans and all the key principles you will need to be aware of in order to implement it in your own life and reap the rewards of increased efficiency and motivation to achieve your goals. If you want to see more examples of Be, Do, and Haves from others in the community we strongly recommend you visit the #90dayplan Slack channel which will become the go to place for all of us to share our goals and move towards them together. Accountability is a big part of the process and we are all on the same path towards self progression. For those willing to post their 90 Day Plans in the Slack group, there is no need to hold back within Falcon as we are all here to achieve success and ultimate fulfillment in our lives.

The process of goal setting can be heavily correlated to the process of drilling down from the higher timeframes to the lower timeframes in our trading. Analyze and specify what your grand vision is (Weekly) so that you can clarify what is going to happen a step below (Daily), breaking it down another step (4H) and finally executing the actionable steps that will create success and reward you with excitement/fulfillment (1H). The whole idea of “Keep it Simple” really is the way it needs to be for you to be the most efficient and consistent towards moving towards your ultimate goals.

This is the execution step of your 90 Day Plan structure and the tasks that will ultimately lead to your success and achievement of your dreams and desires. The key in this is ‘high priority’ or ‘high impact’. These tasks need to be needle moving tasks and ultimately be very rewarding upon completion. 9 Copyright © 2018 Falcon Trading Guidance

If your goal for Q1 is to start a business and to do at least $10,000 in sales. An actionable step that can be completed during the day is “register for a business name for my new corporation”. Another could be “research and list 5 books that cover the topic of starting a new business”. These are high impact tasks, things that need to be accomplished before you will be able to achieve your goal that you have outlined. If one of your Q1 goals is backtest 1 year of data on 12 different currency pairs, then a needle moving task could be “download the backtesting spreadsheet and watch Falcon Processes Episode 1”. The next could be “watch a trade recap video and take notes”. These are all daily needle moving tasks that will ultimately move you towards that goal.

What is not a needle moving task, is everyday things that should and will become habitual for example, “wake up and perform my morning routine” is not a needle moving task. This is something you should be working on programming into your day so that it is happening subconsciously. You can still add these to your daily goals list, but as we will cover in the next section you need to always outline your 5 daily needle moving tasks before hand and to commit to achieving them before the day is up.

To often people implement “routines” into their days that are exciting at first and then after a while become extremely redundant and something they resent doing in the morning. Your key is to feel good, whatever routine makes you feel good and excited to wake up in the morning is important for you to construct. If you are still working a 9-5 and aren’t looking forward to getting out of bed in the morning, use that energy to fuel into what you want and enjoy the day because you know when you get home you have 2-3 hours to work on getting to where you want to be. 10 Copyright © 2018 Falcon Trading Guidance

There is no set routine that we are going to provide you with as everyone has unique preferences and things that work well for them. If you are looking for a specific routine to follow and are unsure of where to get started, there is a book that we recommend you read in order to get the process started and really hone in on efficiency in your days. The book we recommend you check out is “The 5AM Club” by Robin Sharma. This book will provide you with everything you need to implement a routine into your mornings and evenings that will accompany your 90day plans.

Some core concepts from this book are waking up at the same time everyday, getting the same amount of sleep every night, and planning your next day before you go to bed the night before. You will set your 5 needle moving tasks the night before, so that regardless of whether you work in the morning or are full time trading already you are clear and already thinking about what you are going to accomplish the night before. This instills a level of motivation in you upon waking that you might not have felt before, that is the beginning of transformation in your life and progression towards your goals. I highly recommend reading this book as it goes into much more detail than we have here, but, remember this:

Key Principle: Always set your 5 daily needle moving tasks the night before.

Another discretionary subject as everyone works and learns differently, the most important thing is to stick with something that works for you and to complete those 5 daily goals every single day. Writing in a journal is the most effective way to cement the information in your mind, and that way you can sign off on your goals at the bottom of the page so that you can fully commit to the day ahead. 11 Copyright © 2018 Falcon Trading Guidance

Not everyone works efficiently tracking their daily goals by hand in a journal, and therefore we will introduce another very simplified approach to it as well for those of you that work more efficiently on an app or checklist style platform.

As a side note, all your Be, Do, and Have goals should all be written by hand in a journal. Your grand vision and all 90-day plans should be written with a pen and pad, while your daily goals are up to you how you decide to track them.

Evernote is a very simple and effective resource that a lot of people use to track their daily goals and I know a lot of people in the Falcon community who use this method to track their progress along side other personal preferences. You can create a note entitled “2019 Daily Goals” and follow this same format day by day throughout the year. Write in the day, year, and which day it is on your 90-day plan to constantly remind you of the importance and value each day holds in relation to your grand vision. Below is the simple format of what you daily goal list could look like:

Another note to create would be “High Impact Tasks”. List them in a similar format organized by your 10 Be, Do, and Haves for that quarter. If you have trading specific goals, fitness specific goals, and business-related goals it might look like this: 12 Copyright © 2018 Falcon Trading Guidance

It ultimately is up to you how you want to track your daily goals; however, we found this an extremely simple and effective way to keep your focus on the tasks at hand rather than on the process of how you are tracking everything. Spreadsheets cause distractions and the overall process of how you are tracking your goals shouldn’t confuse or demotivate you. All of it should be exciting, and you should feel good ticking off each box because you know of the significance each has on your progression towards where you want to be.

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Welcome to the productivity highway. We know this system of outlining and tracking your goals will bring happiness and fulfillment to your life, and ultimately our goal is to make you consistent and profitable traders. To create financial abundance in your life so you can focus on the things you truly want out of life, and to excel in all areas.

Don’t be accustomed to “excusitis”. 99% of failures come from people who have wired in the habit of making excuses. This document is a valuable resource for you to get started on getting to where you want to be. Next time you arrive at a challenge be excited and see it as the next opportunity to become you are ultimately capable of becoming. Self belief and feeling good should be your mission.

As a team at Falcon we really hope this document helps you get started towards ticking off goals in line with your grand vision for life. We look forward to hearing about your 90 Day Plans for the next quarter in our Slack channel #90dayplan as well as at in person meetups and events soon. Always moving forward together as a community is of the utmost importance for us, and the 90-day plan is a great way for all of us to stay focused and in line with where we want to be.

The FalconFX Team

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Follow this same format and momentum plan headed into the next plan and continue to build momentum by completing 90 Day increments in your life.

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