437 fitness plan

437 FITNESS PLAN By Gabby Scheyen x 437 SWIMWEAR 8-WEEK WORKOUT GUIDE big booty // slim waist TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT

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437 FITNESS PLAN By Gabby Scheyen x 437 SWIMWEAR

8-WEEK WORKOUT GUIDE big booty // slim waist

TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT THE AUTHORS.................................................................................. 3 ABOUT THE PLAN........................................................................................ 4 NUTRITION GUIDANCE................................................................................. 5 FOOD LIST..................................................................................................... 6 GABBY’S F.A.Q............................................................................................. 7 GABBY’S TIPS.............................................................................................. 9


BEFORE AND AFTER....................................................................................10 PLAN BREAKDOWN.....................................................................................11 WORKOUT SCHEDULE................................................................................12 PHASE 1.......................................................................................................13 PHASE 2.......................................................................................................14 ABS...............................................................................................................15 EXERCISE GLOSSARY..................................................................................16 DISCLAIMER.................................................................................................53

Copyright © 437 FITNESS 2017


ABOUT THE AUTHORS GABBY SCHEYEN Known as @gabbyscheyen on Instagram, I am 21 years old and I have tried nearly every diet and cardio routine around. At one point, I used to be a “cardio bunny”. I was “skinnyfat”, unhappy, and eating 500-800 calories a day. Once I started eating again and realized how delicious food was, I adopted some unhealthy eating habits. I could easily put down 7000 calories in an hour. Afterwards, I would feel horrible and depressed for days. Even now I sometimes eat when I’m not hungry. I eat when I’m stressed. I eat when I’m bored. That is why I understand when girls tell me that they struggle too. That is part of my motivation for being so open about my struggles on Instagram. The thing that has helped me find happiness and love for myself is weightlifting. Seeing my body change and get stronger is so addicting. Now when I do binge, I find it much easier to recover knowing that I can use that energy from the food I ate for tomorrow’s workout. The reason I wanted to create this plan is to help girls who may be in similar situations that I have been in. I know how hard life can be, so I’m hoping this plan can make it a little bit easier for every one of you to reach your goals.

437 SWIMWEAR 437 SWIMWEAR was created by two best friends, Hyla Nayeri and Adrien Bettio, who wanted to make simple and flattering swimwear accessible to all girls regardless of where they live and their budget. The brand is inspired by the creators’ time spent living in Europe where they cultivated their love of exploring and discovering the continent’s most pristine beaches and secluded swimming spots. The founders believe that the ideal day consists of salty hair, sun kissed skin, and crystal waters - all while wearing the perfect bathing suit. 437 SWIMWEAR strives to produce simple, minimalistic, and universally flattering designs which showcase a woman’s body in the best possible way. The line is perfect for the carefree, confident girl who loves minimalistic style. We have partnered with Gabby with the goal of providing a fitness plan that can help every girl feel like the most confident and healthy version of herself. We believe strongly in self-love and think that the most beautiful girls have the confidence and warmth that come from treating their bodies with care.

Copyright © 437 FITNESS 2017


ABOUT THE PLAN WHO IS THIS PLAN FOR? This plan can be done no matter what level of fitness you are currently at. If you are an advanced lifter, challenge yourself with heavy weights. If you are new to lifting, you can use lighter weights while working on form and building strength. HOW WAS THIS PLAN DEVELOPED? This plan was developed completely from Gabby’s own knowledge. She has been lifting weights for almost 4 years and is constantly learning new things. Gabby never goes into the gym without a plan. After creating and trying various workout guides, Gabby has taken her favorite effective exercises and created a plan that would get her excited to go to the gym. HOW DOES THIS PLAN WORK? When Gabby is developing workout plans for herself, she plans to do them for 4-6 weeks at a time before changing up her routine. Gabby does change a few things here and there in her plans as she does them, but she generally keeps to the established routine. When creating this plan Gabby wanted to provide something that was challenging and would help you see results, but also is manageable for beginners or extremely busy people (ex. students!). Gabby has broken the plan into two phases. Each phase will take 4 weeks to complete and are explained in the “Plan Breakdown” section.

Copyright © 437 FITNESS 2017


NUTRITION GUIDANCE LETTER FROM GABBY As you have probably heard many times before, diet is KEY to seeing progress in the gym. You may be tempted to cut down on calories, but if you are doing these workouts and pushing yourself, you will actually need to EAT MORE! Yes you heard me. To put this into perspective, I used to eat under 1000 calories a day, and now I eat over 2000 in order to maintain my muscle mass. Muscle burns more calories than fat, meaning the more muscle mass you have on your body, the more calories you need just to function. Lifting weights doesn’t only make you look great, but it means you get to eat a lot more food. Best of both worlds! On the next page, I have included a list of my top protein, fat, and carbohydrate sources. This list is my personal suggestions. I am in no way saying that you have to eat everything on this list. This list is NOT extensive, and there are many other healthy options out there. I am a strong advocate for balance. I do not believe in restricting yourself at all. If you want that cookie, you eat that cookie! Just don’t eat the whole box. Learning balance is a life changer let me tell you. Have fun with your food! If I’ve learned anything, it’s that I need to enjoy my meals to enjoy fitness. Instead of drinking a boring protein shake, make a protein smoothie bowl and top it with delicious things like peanut butter, nuts, fruits, coconut, hemp seeds, etc. Instead of eating plain vegetables and chicken, make a stir fry with delicious spices. Eating healthy does not have to be boring. There are tons of recipes out there. Don’t be afraid to try new things and be creative! -Gabby

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FOOD LIST PROTEIN Chicken breast Turkey Steak Tuna Beef jerky Salmon or white fish Eggs and egg whites Protein powder (limit to 1 scoop a day) Protein bars (limit to 1 a day) Greek yogurt Cottage cheese Tofu/meat replacements

FATS Coconut oil Extra virgin olive oil Eggs Natural peanut butter (my life source. Not the processed sugary crap aka Kraft) Other natural nut butters (cashew, almond, pecans etc.) Nuts and seeds (walnuts, almonds, hemp seeds, chia seeds etc.) Omega 3 supplement (fish oil) Avocado Cheese Dark chocolate

CARBS Vegetables Leafy greens (kale, spinach etc.) Fruits Oats Pasta Rice (I like basmati) Wraps Quinoa (also has 8g protein per 1 cup!) Potatoes (I like sweet potato best) Whole wheat bread/english muffins (I like gluten free or Ezekiel) Cream of wheat or cream of rice Beans Copyright © 437 FITNESS 2017



There are a few different things that go into achieving visible abs. First I want you to really think about WHY abs are so important to you… As a female it is quite challenging to get abs because we NEED body fat to function. Depending on how you approach it, it can actually be dangerous to get to the body fat percentage that you need to have visible abs. You need to lose fat through a calorie deficit in order to see abs. Genetics also play a role in your ab definition. Some people’s abs show through more easily while they are at a healthy body fat percentage, while others need to achieve a very low body fat percentage in order to see their abs. Although having abs may be your ideal body, I personally suggest you do not focus all your energy on improving one specific body part and look at your health and physique from a more holistic perspective.


You can’t, at least not very quickly or easily. In order to build muscle you need to be in a caloric surplus. This means, you need to eat extra calories in order to feed your muscles and allow them to repair and grow. But do not be deterred by this. I am the heaviest weight I have ever been, but I feel like I look the best I ever have.


If you are female, and you are not on steroids, you will not get bulky! It is physically impossible for females to grow insane amounts of muscle. We do not have the levels of testosterone to get “bulky” like boys do. Girls, when you start lifting you will get “toned” meaning you will have muscles and look hot.


Bulk! If you try to lose fat without building any muscle, you won’t have any muscle underneath to show through when you lose weight. I don’t like to strictly label my “bulking” and “cutting” phases. I like to “bulk” basically constantly unless I’m going on vacation - then I do a little cut. Copyright © 437 FITNESS 2017



In a perfect world, none. It really depends on your goals. If fat loss is your main goal and you’re not looking to put on much muscle, you can do a few cardio sessions a week. Cardio is very good for you, I don’t want to deter anyone from it, but from personal experience, intense cardio prevents me from having good workouts. The only cardio I do during the fall, spring, and winter is walking ten minutes to class.


Weightlifting hands down. Not necessarily for lowering the number on the scale, but if you want to look and feel your best, weightlifting is the way to go. Muscle burns more calories than fat to just exist. If you have more muscle on your body, you’ll burn more calories throughout the day. Weightlifting also allows you to alter your proportions. Those fit girls you see on Instagram, with the small waists and big booty’s didn’t get those curves from walking on a treadmill. They did it through LIFTING HEAVY.


There are a few options here. I recommend using your new found confidence and knowledge to start building your own plan. Watch videos on YouTube and Instagram and change out a few exercises from this plan to create a new one for yourself. Find which exercises work for you and don’t be afraid to try something new! If you’re still nervous about the gym, by all means continue this plan for a few more weeks! Just don’t get stuck doing the same thing over and over. Change up the rep counts or the order of the exercises.

Copyright © 437 FITNESS 2017


GABBY’S TIPS Light weight is okay! Never be embarrassed by how much weight you use. As long as you are using correct form and squeezing until it hurts, you will see progress. If you do not ever try to increase the weight you are using, however, your progress will eventually stop. Constant tension on a muscle is paramount to muscle growth. Too many people are under the impression that moving weight will build muscle. In reality, you need to concentrate on feeling every repetition in the targeted muscle. If your muscles don’t hurt, you won’t see results. Record the weight you use each workout so you can aim to use a heavier weight next time. If you can do 12-15 reps easily for two sets, up the weight in order to challenge yourself. If you get to the suggested 10, 12, or 15 reps, and you can still do another rep, always do it. There is no harm in grinding out a few extra reps! If you’re having trouble feeling the workout in your glutes, use a resistance band or the abductor machine to fire up your glutes before leg day. Rest for 60-120 seconds between sets. If you need more time to recover and perform the exercise- take more time. Perform movements slow and controlled. There is no benefit to rushing through a workout. Really focus on going slow and feeling the movement.

Copyright © 437 FITNESS 2017



Take them as often as you like! Be sure to set a weekly reminder on your phone so you remember to take photos. You can use one of many free apps available online to store all your photos in one place. Progress may not be obvious from week to week, but when comparing the start of the program to the end, you will be sure to see results!


Take front, side, and back view shots, but don’t be afraid to take more photos where you are doing different poses/flexing/relaxed so you have more material to look at when referencing your progress.


We would love to see your progress. Tag us and use #437FP and #gabbygains on Instagram to show us your results. You may get reposted!


Copyright © 437 FITNESS 2017


PLAN BREAKDOWN PHASE 1: WEEKS 1-4 MUSCLE ACTIVATION & PROPER FORM The goal of weeks 1-4 is muscle activation and learning proper form. Instead of focusing on how much weight you are using, focus on squeezing and engaging the muscle you are targeting. Proper form is key to preventing injury and making maximum muscle gains. If You are new to lifting weights, watch videos on how to do the workouts before going into the gym and using heavy weights.

PHASE 2: WEEKS 5-8 INCREASED INTENSITY & GLUTE GROWTH After completing Phase 1, it’s time to up the intensity. What’s different in this phase? There will be a day specifically focusing on your booty! You will now be training 4 days a week instead of 3. Supersets (SS) will also be added in this phase. “Superset” means you do two workouts back to back and then rest after you’ve done the two movements.

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WORKOUT SCHEDULE PHASE 1 Day 1: Legs (hamstrings, glutes, quads) Day 2: Rest Day 3: Push (shoulders, chest, triceps) Day 4: Rest Day 5: Pull (back, biceps) Day 6: Active day Day 7: Rest

PHASE 2 Day 1: Legs (hamstrings, glutes, quads) Day 2: Rest Day 3: Push (shoulders, chest, triceps) Day 4: Glutes Day 5: Rest Day 6: Pull (back, biceps) Day 7: Rest This plan is completely customizable depending on your schedule. You can plan your workouts around your class and work schedule. For example, if you are extra busy on day 5, make that your rest day instead of day 3. Do not feel compelled to stick to this exact schedule. Make these 3 workouts work for you. On the “active day” do something that gets you moving like a yoga class, HIIT, or some light cardio. Refer to the following two pages for the exercises to be performed each day of the plan. Before performing any of the exercises, reference the Exercise Glossary which has descriptions and pictures of Gabby performing each movement.

Copyright © 437 FITNESS 2017



Sets x Reps 3 x 8-10

Walking Lunges

3 x 15/leg

Deadlifts (Sumo/Conventional)

3 x 10

Leg Extensions

3 x 10

Glute Hamstring Raise (on back extension)

3 x 15


3 x 10

Dumbbell Overhead Press

3 x 8-10

Upright Row

3 x 15


3 x 15

Dumbbell Kickbacks

3 x 12-15/arm

Triceps Cable Pushdown

3 x 10-15


3 x 10

Close Grip Lat Pulldown

3 x 10-12

One-Arm Dumbbell Row

3 x 10

Straight Arm Pulldown

3 x 12

Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curl

3 x 12

Copyright © 437 FITNESS 2017



Sets x Reps


4 x 10

Good Mornings

3 x 15

Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlifts

3 x 15

Pulsing Smith Machine Lunges

3 x 10/leg

Glute Hamstring Raise (on back extension)

3 x 10

PUSH (SHOULDERS, CHEST, TRICEPS) Alternating Dumbbell Arnold Press

3 x 10/arm

Machine Chest Fly

3 x 10

Dumbbell Lateral Raise - SS Front Raise

3 x 10/each

Cable Upright Row

3 x 10/each

Dumbbell Overhead Extension

3 x 10-12

Triceps Cable Pushdown

3 x 10/arm

PULL (BACK, BICEPS) Assisted Pull Ups

3 x 10

Barbell Row

3 x 10

Close Grip Seated Cable Row

3 x 10-12

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

3 x 10-12

Barbell Bicep Curl

3 x 10

Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curls

3 x 12-15

LEGS II (GLUTES) Deadlifts

4 x 10

Glute Bridges

3 x 10

Bulgarian Split Squat - SS Bench Step Ups

3 x 12/leg

Cable Pull Through - SS Cable Pause Squat Abductor

3 x 15 3 x 15 + 10 pulses

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Sets x Reps

Cable Crunches

3 x 12-15

Hanging Leg Raises OR Roman Chair Leg Raises

3 x 12-15

Mountain Climbers

3 x 12-15


30-60 seconds

Decline Crunches

3 x 12-15

Russian Twists

3 x 12-15

INSTRUCTIONS Above are two quick ab workouts that can be done after a workout or on a rest day. You can do 0, 1, or both of these workouts throughout the week, the decision is yours!

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squats Stand with toes pointed slightly out, push knees apart, keep chest up, keep back neutral, brace your core, remember to breathe, squeeze glutes at top.

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walking lunges Place the barbell on your back, take the required number of steps per leg. Squeeze your glutes as you push of the ground with each step.

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sumo deadlifts Keep back straight, grip bar at shoulder width apart, do not sit back too far, push the floor away with your heels, keep the bar close to your body (should scrape shins), squeeze your glutes at the top, lower the bar with control, reset and lift again.

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straight-leg deadlifts Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keep feet at shoulder width apart, keep your back straight, and hinge forwards at the hips. Feel the stretch in your hamstrings and do not lock out at the top. You can either keep the tension in your hamstrings or stand straight up and squeeze your glutes at the top.

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leg extensions Keep your chest up and your bum planted. Use only your quad muscles to complete this movement. If you are ever confused about how to use a new machine, view the instructions on the machine for extra help.

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glute hamstring raise Using the back extension machine, either hold a weight or use no weight, and extend while squeezing your glutes. Do not hyper-extend your back, keep it straight and keep your core tight. Pause for 2-3 seconds at the top.

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dumbbell bench press Lay flat on a bench, you can have a slight arch in your back, but keep your upper back pressed onto the bench and keep your bum planted on the bench at all times. Raise two dumbbells straight up over your chest and bring the dumbbells down until your elbows are perpendicular to the floor.

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dumbbell overhead press Adjust a bench to the seated position, press back against the bench and lift one dumbbell on either side of your head. You do not need to bring the dumbbells all the way down, you can bring them down far enough that your elbows are at a 90° angle.

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upright row Using a barbell, hold bar at shoulder width apart and drag bar up your body until it is at chest height. Use your shoulders to pull the bar up, not your biceps.

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L-raises Start with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing towards your body. Raise one arm to the front while raising the other to the side, lower the weights and switch. This creates an L shape with your arms.

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dumbbell kickbacks Using a bench or a weight rack for support, lean forward and place one hand on the support. With the other hand, hold a dumbbell and bend only at the elbow. Keep your elbow tight against your body and really squeeze your triceps when you push the dumbbell backwards.

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triceps cable pushdown Place the cable at a high level and use a bar or rope attachment for this movement. Keep chest pushed forwards, back straight, and elbows pressed to your sides. Your elbows should be stationary with only your lower arms moving.

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rack pulls This is basically a deadlift but from an elevated position. Set up a power rack so the safety bars are just above or at your knees. Place a barbell across the safety bars and add weight as needed. Pull the bar up with your back and really squeeze your back muscles at the top. If you struggle with grip strength, try chalk.

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close grip lat pulldown Use the close grip attachment for this movement. Using your back, pull the bar down as you squeeze your shoulder blades together. Continue until your chest nearly touches the close grip attachment.

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one-arm dumbbell row Place one knee on a flat bench or set up as demonstrated in the photos with a sturdy object for support. Hold a dumbbell in the opposite hand. Bend over and use your free hand for support. Using your back, pull the dumbbell up beside your body until your elbow is a 90° and lower it down again until your arm is extended.

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straight arm pulldown Use a high cable machine with a bar or rope attachment. Grip the bar with straight arms that are raised above your head. Pull the weight down, keeping your arms straight. You will be bending over forwards slightly. Make sure your are pulling the weight with your back and not your triceps.

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alternating dumbbell bicep curls Keep your chest up and open, do not roll your shoulders forward. Slowly curl the dumbbells up one at a time and maintain control as you lower them down. You should only be bending at the elbows. Try to only engage your biceps and not use your whole body for this movement.

Copyright © 437 FITNESS 2017


good mornings Keep feet at shoulder width apart, keep back straight, and hinge forwards at the hips. Feel the stretch in your hamstrings and do not lock out at the top. Keep the tension in your hamstrings. Note: Add a resistance band around thighs for added tension.

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pulsing smith machine lunges Stand in a deep lunge position with the smith machine bar on your back. Only use your front leg to push off the ground, keep your back foot lightly touching the ground and try not to engage it at all. Do not stand all the way up, but rather half way and pulse for the required number of reps.

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dumbbell arnold press Sit on a bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your chest with your palms facing towards you. One at a time, push the dumbbell up over your head and turn your palm to face forwards. Return to the starting position and then repeat the movement with the other side.

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machine chest fly You will need either a chest fly machine or a cable machine with two handle attachments. Face away from the machine and hold a handle in each hand. Bring your arms together with your palms facing each other. Use your chest as much as possible for this instead of your arms.

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dumbbell lateral raises Hold a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing towards your body. With slightly bent elbows, lift the dumbbells up until you arms are parallel to the floor. Pause for a second at the top before returning the dumbbells to your side with control.

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dumbell front raise Stand up straight and hold a dumbbell in each hand. With a slight bend in your elbow, lift the dumbbell to the front with the palms of your hands facing down. Continue to lift up until you arm is slightly above parallel to the floor. Pause for a second at the top before lowering the dumbbell back down and repeating the movement with the other arm.

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cable upright row Grasp a straight bar or rope cable attachment that is attached to a low pulley with your palms facing your body. Stand with your back straight and arms extended with a slight bend. Use your shoulders to lift the cable bar or rope up towards your chin, keeping it close to your body as you do so.

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dumbbell overhead extension Raise dumbbell overhead with your arms straight. Bend at the elbows and lower dumbbell behind your head until you reach 90° and feel a stretch in your triceps.

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assisted pull ups Using the assisted pull up machine, perform required pull up repetitions. Make sure you are challenging yourself and using your back muscles to pull, not your arms.

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barbell row Grip the barbell at shoulder width apart and bend over at a 45° angle. Using your back, pull the bar towards your body, bringing your elbows up past your abdomen.

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close grip seated cable row Using the seated row machine, pull the cable towards your stomach. Do not lean backwards when doing this, pull your elbows past your abdomen, and release slowly.

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wide grip lat pulldown Use the seated lat pull down machine. Grasp the bar with a wide grip, lean back slightly, and pull the bar down until it is close to your chest. Be sure to engage your back, do not pull the weight with your arms.

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barbell bicep curl Slowly curl the barbell up towards your chest, pause at the top, and then maintain control as you lower down. Keep your body still while performing the movement. You do not want to be using your entire body to curl the bar, just your biceps. Keep your elbows at your side and your chest up throughout the entire movement.

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glute bridge It is recommended to use a barbell pad, a towel, or a mat for this movement in order to protect your hips. Place a barbell across your hips and thrust the bar upwards. Squeeze your glutes at the top and hold the last rep for as long as you can. Note: can be performed from a bench or the ground.

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bulgarian split squats Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Place one foot on a bench and take a step forward with the other foot. Even though these are called “split squats” they are a lunge movement. Lower your body until your rear knee nearly touches the floor and your front thigh is parallel to the ground.

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bench step ups Hold dumbbells in your hand OR a barbell on your back. Step up onto a bench or box with one foot at a time for the allotted number of reps and then do the other leg.

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cable pull through Use the low cable with a rope attachment and face away from the cable machine. Bring the rope through your legs and squeeze your glutes at the top. This is the same movement of the hip thrust, but performed with the cable.

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cable pause squat Stand with your feet pointed slightly out and placed wider than shoulder-width apart. Hold cables with arms outstretched in front of you. Slowly squat, bending your knees. Keep your chest up, contract your glutes and press through your heels as you return to the starting position.

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abductor Depending on personal preference, you can either sit back against the chair or sit at the front the seat. Slowly press against the machine with your legs to move them away from each other. Keep the tension in your glutes the whole time and do not bring your legs completely to a stop in the middle. This is a burnout so if it is possible for you to exceed the required pulse repetitions, do it. Attempt to continue until failure on each set.

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It is strongly advised that you consult with your doctor before beginning this workout plan. Not all exercises are suitable for individuals of all health and fitness levels. This program was intended to be used by healthy individuals at varying levels of fitness. Gabby Scheyen has no medical experience or qualifications and cannot determine which exercises or workouts are appropriate for each individual performing them. This program is intended for educational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for qualified medical advice. Users should be aware that if they are using any exercise or workout plan, there is a possibility of physical injury. You are agreeing to engage in this exercise plan at your own risk, and Gabby Scheyen and 437 SWIMWEAR cannot be held liable for any injury that is incurred as a result of this plan. You agree that you are using this plan at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself and agree to release and discharge Gabby Scheyen and 437 SWIMWEAR from any and all claims known or unknown, arising out of Gabby’s negligence.

Copyright © 437 FITNESS 2017



Thank you so much for purchasing and reading this ebook. Now that you have taken the initiative to improve your health and fitness, the following weeks are going to be very exciting. Track your journey and find support and motivation in the fitness community by following @437FITNESS @gabbyscheyen and @437SWIMWEAR. Use the hashtags #437FP and #gabbygains to share your progress. Gabby will be available via Instagram for questions and motivation. As a special thank you to each person who bought the ebook, 437 SWIMWEAR would like to give a 10% coupon that can be used on anything on their website. Enter “437FP” at checkout to receive your discount! WWW.437SWIMWEAR.COM @437SWIMWEAR @437FITNESS @GABBYSCHEYEN A special thank you to our photographers! All photos - Zach, @viewsfromzach Title Page - @street.visual

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