
Learning activity 4 Evidence: The Cross River Gorilla Part A Read the following information about the Cross River Gorill

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Learning activity 4 Evidence: The Cross River Gorilla Part A Read the following information about the Cross River Gorilla.

Fuente: SENA The Cross River Gorilla is a subspecies of the western gorilla that is usually found in montane rainforest between 1,500 and 3,500 meters and in bamboo forest from about 2,500 to 3,000 meters. It differs from the other subspecies of gorilla in skull and tooth dimensions. They live on a small area of high-land forest on the border of Cameroon and Nigeria. They have been classified as a critically endangered species. (World Wildlife Fund for Nature, s.f.)

Part B Now, for completing the evidence you need to carry out a little research on the web to find out the major threats for the Cross River Gorilla. With the information obtained, write a short paragraph describing why this species is facing extinction and the consequences of its hypothetical extinction. Make sure you use conditionals in your text. The main threats to the Gorilla Cross River (gorilla gorilla diehli) are the loss of its habitat is considered one of the main causes of its accelerated extinction where the illegal logging of forests and the constant displacement caused by local people for agriculture and the cattle ranch, has done that the gorilas move to another place and die by lack of food. In addition, the relentless hunting for its meat at the same time is illegally marketed in all countries of the Congo Basin. However, poaching continuously due to the lack of enforcement of national and international laws, together with ineffective judicial systems. Indisputably; the low reproduction rate of gorillas means that even low levels of hunting can cause a population decline, which could take many generations to reverse. Gorillas are also frequently mutilated or killed by traps destined for other animal species. On the other hand; the outbreaks of Ebola hemorrhagic fever or Ebola virus have caused the death of these great apes on a large scale and in the same way, the humans that are infected by this virus, is a consequence of the murder of this species.

Part C Now, to complete the evidence you need to record a tape in which you describe the actions you would execute to prevent the Cross River Gorilla’s extinction. Use your imagination to picture several scenarios in which you could help.

Fuente: SENA Examples:  

If I had a lot of money, I would donate thousands of pesos for research. If I lived in Cameroon or Nigeria, I would build a protection center for the Cross River Gorilla.

Evidence:    

If I had a lot of money, I would make a donation for the conservation of their habitat. If I were a United Nations prosecutor, I would put those who illegally hunt this animal in jail. If I had a lot of money, I would make a natural reserve for the conservation of this species. If I were a United Nations prosecutor, I would put those who illegally cut down trees and destroy their habitat in jail.