2 Term End of Term

ENGLISH TEST: 2nd TERM: END OF TERM 4º ESO 2017-18 NAME: ...............................................................

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ENGLISH TEST: 2nd TERM: END OF TERM 4º ESO 2017-18 NAME: ........................................................................................................................N: ................. BLOQUE 1: Comprensión de textos orales NIVEL DE LOGRO Criterio de Evaluación 1-Identificar el sentido general, la información esencial, los puntos principales y los detalles más relevantes en textos orales…….. 2-Discriminar patrones sonoros…..






1, 2














BLOQUE 3: Comprensión de textos escritos Criterio de Evaluación 5-Reconocer léxico escrito de uso común relativo a asuntos cotidianos y a temas generales…..








11-13 BC

6-Identificar la información esencial, los puntos más relevantes y detalles importantes en textos, …. 7--9



BLOQUE 4. Producción de textos escritos: expresión e interacción Criterio de Evaluación 8-Mostrar un buen control, aunque con alguna influencia de la primera lengua u otras, sobre un amplio repertorio de estructuras sintácticas comunes, ….. 9-Llevar a cabo las funciones requeridas por el propósito comunicativo, utilizando un repertorio de exponentes comunes de dichas funciones y los patrones discursivos habituales….. 10-Conocer y utilizar léxico escrito de uso común relativo a asuntos cotidianos y a temas generales …. 11-Escribir, en papel o en soporte electrónico, textos breves o de longitud media, coherentes y de estructura clara, sobre temas de interés personal, o asuntos cotidianos o menos habituales, en un registro formal, neutro o informal, …..

























Criterio 5-Reconocer léxico escrito de uso común relativo a asuntos cotidianos y a temas generales…..

4. Rewrite the underlined words using the expressions below. Make any necessary changes. (2 points) take advantage of

willing to

feel left out

get to the bottom of

green spaces

1. I am not prepared to wait any longer. ……………………………………………… 2. My city won a prize for its lovely parks. …………………………………………… 3. Mark was very lonely at the party because no one talked to him. …………………………………… 4. She used her friendship with the boss to get a higher salary. …………………………………………… 5 The words in bold are incorrect. Replace them with the words below. There is an extra word. (2 points) flames  look into  relief  whisper  attempt ......

2. It was a source to hear that the police had found the lost child. ………...……………


4. When I saw the eruption in the building, I called the emergency services. ……………...………


7. He spoke in a shout, but I heard him. ………………...……


8. The police will vanish the disappearance of the boy. ………...……………

6 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are more words than you need. (3 points) lead to  setting  twists  ally  executed  main character  killed  power  fate 1. Is the …………………… of the new television series in a city or in the country? 2. He went to prison because he …………………… three people in the car accident. 3. No exercise and too much junk food often …………………… health problems. 4. No one knows the …………………… of the climber who disappeared on Mount Everest. 5. The government passed laws to give the prime minister more …………………… . 6. That film has got many unexpected ……………………; nothing was what seemed to be at first.


Criterio 6-Identificar la información esencial, los puntos más relevantes y detalles importantes en textos, …..

7 Read the text and choose the correct answers. (8 points) Millions of items are purchased online every day. As a result, companies must look for ways to attract Internet shoppers. Interestingly, marketing professionals are trying to persuade people to buy products online by using strategies that were used in the past to increase sales in shops. When people are uncertain about something, they often look at what other people are doing to help them make up their mind. By showing the most popular items on their site, marketers show shoppers what other people are buying. They can also publish customer reviews, in an attempt to influence potential buyers. In addition, people usually want what they can’t have. If they think that a product is only available for a limited time, they are more likely to purchase it. Online marketers can make people think that a product will soon be unavailable, by using slogans like “For one week only” or “While stocks last!” People who work in marketing claim that if a person is already committed to buying one product, it will be easier to convince him to purchase something else as well. This is also true online. For this reason, websites often display related items near each other, like they do in shops. This makes it quicker and easier to sell more items. It’s also important for companies to make shoppers feel that they aren’t taking a risk by purchasing a product. Many online shopping sites promise shoppers that they will refund money if they aren’t satisfied with any of their products. Finally, it’s clear that people feel much more confident about purchasing a product when they have actually seen it. Pictures and videos on Internet shopping sites make this possible. Although many of these strategies are useful in helping companies attract customers, it’s important to remember that if you want your company to be successful, you will need good products. Some things never change, even in the digital age! 1. Marketers … . a. are using new strategies to attract Internet shoppers b. don’t need to work hard to sell products online c. are selling online products in similar ways to products in shops 2. People often prefer to buy something that … . a. no one else has bought b. is popular c. other people haven’t yet made up their minds about

3. People are more likely to buy a product if they feel that …. a. they will lose the opportunity to purchase it b. it will always be available c. it’s easy to get 4. The writer believes that marketing strategies … . a. don’t work b. will never change c. can be effective

8. True or False? Justify your answers copying the exact information from the text. (5 points) 1. Customer reviews can help possible buyers to make up their mind. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. . 2. A strategy consists of telling potential costumers that they will miss the offer if they don’t hurry. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .

9. Complete with One suitable word. (2 points) 1. If customers are not happy with their purchase, they can get a ……………………… 2. Online sites display …………………….. or ………………………. of the products because buyers feel more confident when they see the product. 2

Criterio 8:Mostrar un buen control, aunque con alguna influencia de la primera lengua u otras, sobre un amplio repertorio de estructuras sintácticas comunes,…

10. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the First, Zero, Second or Third Conditional.(5 points) not be  give  not make  see  talk  have 1. If you had read the instructions, you ………………………………………… a mistake. 2. Trevor won’t go to the cinema unless we ………………………………………… an action film. 3. They would buy a new computer if they ………………………………………… the money. 4. Dave usually ………………………………………… to his dad if he needs advice. 5. Mary would have come to the party if she ………………………………………… ill.

11. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple. (6 points) 1. already / the bus / the station / leave / . ……………………………………………………………………... 2. you / dinner / yet / have / ? …………………………………………………………………………………... 3. not speak / we / an hour ago / to her / . ……………………………………………………………………... 4. yesterday / your brother / car / buy / what / ? ……………………………………………………………… 5. not eat / since 10.00 / anything / we / . ………………………………………………………………..…… 6. a film / I / last night / not see /


12. Correct the sentences. (3 points) 1. We often visit our aunt Lily, that lives in New York City. …………………………. 2. Tina said something because she is very shy. ………………………….. 3. Are these the shoes who you bought yesterday? ………………………………. 4. Harry will always remember the day which he first went skydiving. …………………………. 5. Did nowhere call while I was shopping? ………………………………... 6. Anyone got into our flat last night.


13. Rewrite the sentences in the passive. (3 points) 1. The newspaper won’t publish the story tomorrow. .....................................................................................................………………………. 2. Kate will sell the tickets to Mark. .....................................................................................................……………………….. 3. They bring food to poor families every week. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14. Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate connector. There are extra words. (3 points) Due to




1. Not many people came to the concert; ………………………, they had to cancel it. 2. There is a lot of unemployment …………………………. the recesion. 3. ………………….. they didn’t have a map, they didn’t get lost. 3

Criterio 9: Llevar a cabo las funciones requeridas por el propósito comunicativo, utilizando un repertorio de exponentes comunes de dichas funciones y los patrones …..

15. Complete the following mini dialogues, using expressions from the list below (8 points) 1. A- Is there anything in particular that you would like to get your mother for her birthday? B- I don’t know. I can’t m………………………… u………… my mind. 2. A- How much is the bicycle? B- It’s & 60, but we can n……………………………. on the price. 3. A-When are you a……………………………e to work as a volunteer? B- I´m free from May. I can start then. 4- A- What do you think of the pollution in our city? B- I’m really f……………… u………… with pollution. It’s a p…………….. that people do not care about the environment a bit more. I advise o………………………… a campaign against the use of cars. 5- A- What did the ghost l………………… l……………………? (What was its appearance?) B- It was tall and pale, with holes in his eyes. It was really f…………………………. (scary) Criterio10- Conocer y utilizar léxico escrito de uso común relativo a asuntos cotidianos y a temas generales ….

16 Complete the sentences with the most appropriate words. (7 points) 1. Did you see the shop d………………. in the department store window? 2. Ryan decided not to buy the mobile phone after the 1 month t...……...…. period. 3. There is a three-year g……………………… on my new television. 4. You can get a r………………….. or an exchange on these sports shoes if you haven’t worn them. 5. If you send this questionnaire, you can get a free s………………….. of the product that they advertise. 6. Only & 10? That’s a real b…………………...! 7. I work for an a…………………………. agency. Look at this flyer. I have designed this campaign.


Criterio 1-Identificar el sentido general, la información esencial, los puntos principales y los detalles más relevantes en textos orales……..

1. Listen and choose the correct answer. (T 08) 4. Chinese horses were ... than European horses. a. bigger b. faster c. slower 5. The Europeans preferred to make their own silk because it was ... . a. not as expensive to produce b. easier to produce c. quicker to produce

1. The Silk Road is ... . a. one long road b. more than one road c. not a road at all 2. The Chinese bought ... from the Romans. a. silk b. horses c. gold 3. Seres is the ... . a. Chinese word for silk b. Roman word for China c. Chinese word for Greece

2 Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. The Silk Road went from Rome to …………………… . 2. The Silk Road was first used in about …………………… BC. 3. Some soldiers in the army of …………………… remained in Tajikistan. 4. In addition to silk, the Romans wanted to buy …………………… . 5. In the 6th century, spies stole …………………… from the Chinese. Criterio 2-Discriminar patrones sonoros…..

3. Complete the pronunciation of the following words. (4 points) flyer /ˈfl___r/


receipt /rɪˈ__ __t/

commute /kəˈm__t/ share




volunteer /ˌvɒlənˈt__/

11-Escribir, en papel o en soporte electrónico, textos breves o de longitud media, coherentes y de estructura clara, sobre temas de interés personal, o asuntos cotidianos o menos habituales, en un registro formal, neutro o informal, …..

17. Write a narrative of about 150-170 words about a terrifying story. Use grammar, vocabulary and expressions learnt this year.