120 Facts About Dream - D. K. Olukoya

120 FACTS ABOUT DREAMS By Hezekiah Fatoki Copyright © 2013, Hezekiah Fatoki All Rights Reserved Table of Contents 1

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By Hezekiah Fatoki

Copyright © 2013, Hezekiah Fatoki All Rights Reserved


120 FACTS ABOUT DREAMS Compiled from the message delivered by Dr D.K Olukoya: THE WORLD BELONGS TO DREAMERS http://www.mountainoffire.org

1. A divinely given dream would always be speaking deep down the soul. 2. A dream gives you direction. 3. A dream inspires the feeling of destiny in our life. 4. A dream is a divine picture planted into your spirit. Inside you, you are visualizing something. 5. A dreamer is like a seed and has the potential to become a tree or a forest. 6. A dreamer must learn to be faithful in spite of how others react. 7. A goal is a dream with deadline. 8. A good dreamer must be generous and must be a giver. 9. A man is not better than his dreams. 10. A man that desires an uncommon success must have an uncommon dream. 11. A person without a dream has no reason to live. 12. All dreams have to pass through a process of testing. 13. All important men and women are dreamers. 14. Any sin in your life will assassinate your dream. 15. Anything God uses attracts success. 16. Anytime you steal, you delay the arrival of your dream. 17. Be discipline in all things in order to fulfill your dream. 18. Be sober, be vigilant because the devil will not sit back and watch your dream materialize. 19. Be willing to modify your dream when it becomes necessary. 20. Bitterness and resentment will choke the life out of your dream. 21. Discouragement and disappointment are dream robbers. 22. Do not let anything or anyone to pull you out of your dream. 23. Do not let anything or anyone to push you into a dream that is not your dream. 24. Don’t allow negative people to talk you out of your dream. 25. Dream can be silenced, killed or stolen. 26. Dream is a picture of your future planted in your spirit by the Lord. 27. Dream is a supernatural picture of who you should be or what you should do.

28. Dreamer must stay connected to God. 29. Dreamers are never popular with their family or friends because of jealousy. 30. Dreamers are windows of the soul 31. Dreamers of dream are not generally accepted in the first instance. 32. Dreams are useless if you only dream and take no action. 33. Dreams can help us; 1) see the invisible, 2) believe the incredible, and 3) achieve the impossible. 34. Dreams take time to come to pass – Joseph waited for 13years before he became prime minister in Egypt, David waited for 15years before he became a King in Israel. 35. Dreams without divine purpose are meaningless. 36. Every divinely given dream will come to pass if the dreamer is willing to pay the price. 37. Every dream shall be tested before they come to pass. 38. For success, there must be a connection between your dream and your divine purpose. 39. God want us to dream big and become dream releasers 40. Honesty will accelerate the fulfillment of your dream. 41. If God is your partner then make your plan big. 42. If you are in love with your dream, hate sin with perfect hatred. 43. If you cannot die for your dream, then you have no dream. 44. If you cannot overcome your flesh, then you cannot fulfill your dream. 45. If you do not deal with your weakness, the weakness will puncture your dream. 46. If you have not yet written down your dream, it is likely you have not started pursuing it. 47. If you never had a dream you cannot get a dream to happen. 48. If you stop telling God about your dreams, then you are ready to give it up. 49. If you want your dream to come through, do not over sleep. 50. If you want your dream to come to pass, do not share them prematurely. 51. If your dream dies easily, it was probably not a dream but an idea. 52. In every human being, there lies a divinely planted dream that is part of God’s plan. 53. It is impossible to dream about blessing without obedience. 54. It is impossible to lose your dream without consequences. 55. Keep your dreams alive by feeding and watering them. 56. Lack of godly sorrow for sin is death sentence for dream. 57. Many dreams are abandoned because the dreamer gives up easily. 58. Many dreams are aborted because the dreamer lacks capacity for delivery. 59. Many dreams suffer miscarriage, because the owner is careless. 60. Men will follow any man with a dream.

61. Necessity is the mother of invention and dream is the father of invention. 62. Never give up on your dream no matter the obstacle. 63. No dream can stand in isolation. 64. Patience is a virtue that all dreamers must cultivate. 65. People may not always like your dream, so expect opposition and obstacles 66. Prayer is the force that clears the way for your dream. 67. Prayer is the lubricating oil in the wheel of dream achievement. 68. Running after dream without God is a useless exercise. 69. The bigger the dream the longer it takes to give birth to. 70. The comfort zone is the enemy of divine dream. 71. The day you stop dreaming, you start dying. Dream to remain alive. 72. The devil is an expert at killing of dream. 73. The enemy can convert a dream to nightmare. 74. The richest land on earth is cemetery, because it has the bones of many unfulfilled dreamers. 75. The successful person associate with those who support his dreams. 76. The world would create a path to the gate of a man with a dream. 77. There are four stages of divinely given dream: A) The conception stage. B) The action stage. C) The conflict or struggle stage. D) The reaching the goal stage. 78. Those who speak God’s word to their dreams achieve it quicker. 79. To fulfill your dream you must listen to God counsel. 80. To fulfill your dream, you must balance creativity with character. 81. To fulfill your dream, you must destroy destructive habits. 82. To fulfill your dream, you must divinely and constructively dissatisfy with your present level. 83. To fulfill your dream, you need to depart from the school of foolish curiosity. 84. To fulfill your dreams, don’t allow destructive criticism to kill your motivation. 85. To fulfill your dreams, don’t share your dream with those who have no dream, they will kill it. 86. To fulfill your dreams, you must disconnect the memory of the past failure. 87. To fulfill your dreams, you must stop advertising your mistakes. 88. Uncommon dreams will create uncommon enemies. 89. Understand that your mind is an incubator; therefore keep your thoughts clean. 90. We grow by dreams. 91. When dream is from God, it will come to pass as long as you remain faithful. 92. When God makes you, nobody can unmake you. 93. Where there is no vision or dream people perish.

94. You are never too old to dream, consider Caleb and Moses. 95. You are never too young to dream. 96. You cannot become what you do not believe. 97. You have to patiently acquire all the knowledge to make your dream possible. 98. You must concentrate on your dream – be focus. 99. You must desire your dream, because it is what you desire that you pursue 100. You must have faith to make your dream a reality. 101. You must learn to deal with opposition when pursuing your dream. 102. You must learn to deal with the three Fs in the journey toward your dream; 1) Fear 2) Frustration 3) Failure. 103. You must overcome temptations in order to fulfill your dreams. 104. You must protect and nurture your dream. 105. You must respect your dream because it is what you respect that you attract. 106. You must sit down and count the cost of your dream manifestation. 107. You must take all available action to wage war against foundational dreams killers. 108. You must visualize your dream, because it is what you visualize that you manifest. 109. You must wage war and fight for your dream. 110. You need helpers of destiny to fulfill your dream. 111. Your character can be an asset or deficit to your dream. 112. Your dream gives hope for the future and power for the present. 113. Your dream helps you to prioritize your life. 114. Your dream increases your potentials. 115. Your dream is a compass telling you where to go. 116. Your dream is a condition of achievement that is yet to take place. 117. Your dream is a vehicle that carries your success. 118. Your dream must have a plan and strategy for it to come to pass. 119. Your dream predicts your future. 120. Your dream will add value to your work.

ABOUT HEZEKIAH FATOKI Hezekiah T. Fatoki is the Founder and President of Heze-Sapience International, an organization with Economics and Eternal services, dedicated to helping individuals and organizations to reach their dreams and fulfill God’s purpose in lifetime. He is the Author of books titled: · BEYOND NYSC: How to Unleash Your Full Potential for Personal and National Freedom. · DIVINE LIVING CODE: The Search for the eternal Life. · PRINCIPLES AND SECRETS OF DIVINE DREAM: Journey from Emancipation to Empowerment. Some of His Upcoming Books include: · Living Beyond Jordan · The Divinely Empowerment. · The Pilgrim in the Way. · The Principles of Sustainable Success · And many more on the list. Contact information: Hezekiah T. Fatoki P.O. Box 1321, Ilesa 233001, Osun State, Nigeria +2348163814448. [email protected] www.twitter.com/fatheztol www.facebook.com/hezekiahfatoki www.amazon.com/author/hezekiahfatoki